"; //-------------------------------- // -- Read the SB description database text file. $dbfile="fenddiff.txt"; //echo "database file=$dbfile
"; if (file_exists($dbfile)): $sbinfo = File($dbfile); $sbinfolen = sizeof($sbinfo); sort($sbinfo); //-- Sort the array. $i = 0; while ($i < $sbinfolen): $tok = strtok($sbinfo[$i],"|"); $sbname[$i] = $tok; $tok = strtok("|"); $sbdesc[$i] = $tok; $sbdesc[$i] =substr($sbdesc[$i],0,strlen($sbdesc[$i])-1); //-- strip off the CR. //echo "\n"; $i++; endwhile; endif; //-------------------------------- //-- Read in the directory file names. $handle=opendir('.'); //echo "Directory handle: $handle\n"; while ($false != ($file = readdir($handle))) { //-- Ignore certain files. if ($file!="." && $file!=".." && substr($file,0,5)!="index" && $file!="makehtml.php" && substr($file,0,8)!="fenddiff") { //echo "filename=$file
"; $size=filesize($file); $size = number_format ($size, 0); //-- add commas to number. $filename[count($filelist)] = "$file"; //-- Put file name only into an array. $filenoext=substr($file,0,strlen($file)-4); //-- remove the file extension. //-- Get the correct file description. $desc=" "; $i = 0; while ($i < $sbinfolen): if ($sbname[$i] != $filenoext): //-- Do nothing... else: $desc=$sbdesc[$i]; endif; $i++; endwhile; //-- Set up the HTML tags. if (substr($file,-4)!=".gif" && substr($file,-4)!=".jpg") { //-- do this for all non-graphic file types. $filelist[count($filelist)] = "$filenoext   $desc\n"; #-- Put files into an array //-- the comment at the beginning of the above HTML line is there for sorting purposes. } else { //-- do this for GIF/JPG files only. $filelist[count($filelist)] = "$filenoext   $desc\n"; #-- Put files into an array //-- the comment at the beginning of the above HTML line is there for sorting purposes. } } } closedir($handle); sort($filelist); //-- Sort the array. sort($filename); //-- Sort the array. //------------------------------------------------------- echo " \n "; //------------------------------------------------------- //-- Print the sorted array. $i=0; do { if ($i > 0) { if (substr($filename[$i],0,3) <> substr($filename[$i-1],0,3)) { //-- If the first 3 chars of the prior array element is not the same, print a blank line. //print "\n"; print "\n"; } } print ($filelist[key($filelist)]); //-- print the array element. $i++; } while (next($filelist)); //--------------------------------------------- //-- Finish off the html table. echo "\n"; echo "
GuitarHQ.com - Fender Vintage Guitar Detail Pictures.
From the GuitarHQ.com Fender Vintage Guitar Info Web page.
Most pictures taken by and thanks to Jim Shine.
Picture NameDescription

\n"; echo " "; ?>